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We stand by our employees and consumers, reinvesting all the love we receive in projects and measures that help to create a better society.

Being close to people is what motivates us to keep investing in social projects that set out to create a better world.


We are a company that treats everyone equally, guided by principles of inclusion, promoting a healthy work-life balance and eliminating the salary gap.


Our suppliers form part of our value chain. We look after them with this in mind, hoping that they will stand by us for many years to come. It is only with their help, and by working together, that we are able to offer a product of the highest quality.


We help to organise sporting activities and make donations to associations

Being on society’s side means taking care of it. Velarte is committed to being visible at sporting initiatives, aiding female empowerment programmes and making donations to other organisations and associations.

Encuentros para
alimentar el futuro

Compartiendo lo bueno

Compartimos con la sociedad nuestro conocimiento y experiencias tanto profesionales como personales con la ilusión de motivar e inspirar a otras personas. Pero lo bueno no solo se comparte en una dirección, la sociedad también nos inspira como marca, como personas.

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