You are either now on holiday, have already enjoyed one or you are still waiting for it to come. In that case, you are probably one of those people who waits until the last moment, so that when others are returning from their holidays they can’t make you envious, whether it be in a healthy or unhealthy way. You deserve and need to take care of yourself, inside and out.
We spend all day making sure that everyone we love is well and has everything they need. A friend calls you because she needs to talk? You’re there to offer advice. The little ones at home are not feeling well? You’re there with your remedies, to pamper them and make them feel better. Problems at work? Let’s get to work and solve them.
But who is taking care of you in the meantime? Well, that’s just us. It may seem like a difficult task, but there are ways to take a few minutes to pamper and take care of yourself. Here you will find 5 ways to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally:
1. Express your feelings and what you feel like doing at all times: We all need to express our feelings because when we don’t verbalise them we create barriers within ourselves. This creates a lot of internal tension that holds us back and prevents us from enjoying emotional freedom. So if you feel like making those plans that involve sending 300 messages to organise, then go for it. But if you don’t feel like it, feel free to say so. Because being honest with yourself and the people around you will bring you all closer together.
2. Eat healthy but eat what you enjoy: Diet is very important for both our physical and mental health. It is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet, but it is also important to eat what makes us feel good. Because all foods can be good in moderation. You are free to not like broccoli and forcing yourself to eat it will do you no good. There are countless other vegetables that you may prefer and that’s fine. You also have the right to snack between meals. Let’s face it, it’s enjoyable and there are a thousand ways to do it in a balanced way, such as with your favourite Velarte snack.
3. Laugh as often as you can: We must be realistic in that life will bring us both good and bad times. But we must never forget that it is in bad times that we most need to apply positive energy in order to gain strength. Surround yourself with optimistic people, who are full of hope and love. It has been scientifically proven that your own smile is a gift to yourself and that smiling is also a way of taking care of yourself.
4. Exercise: We have all heard this continually and seen the countless studies. But it is true. Exercising is incredibly beneficial for us, both internally and externally. It improves our mood and makes us feel more productive. And it really is not that hard to exercise; being generally more active, or active on a day-to-day basis, is a good way to start.
5. Save some time to enjoy yourself: Finding some time for yourself to do something you enjoy is one of the best ways to take care of yourself. We all live fast and in a hurry, surrounded by stimuli that isn’t really all that important to us. But among all this chaos we need to find a moment to enjoy something that is truly important to us and that makes us happy.
We would like to make our own small contribution by suggesting 5 ways that you can take care of yourself. We encourage you to try them and continue looking into the importance of taking care of yourself. At Velarte, taking care of you comes naturally to us.