Gloria, Elsa, Filomena. Sound familiar? These are some of the most mentioned names in the Spanish media. They’re the names of the storms that have had the greatest impact on Spanish territory in the course of 2020-2021.
Storms started to be named by the Spanish State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) in 2017 due to the potential risk posed to people and property.
Many of you may wonder why we’re focussing on this issue. Let’s reveal the mystery! Today, January 26th, is World Environmental Education Day. As you already know, climate change is “in”. Why? Well, it’s due to the rapid deterioration of our planet and the multiple environmental consequences that are increasingly evident in Spain. Periods of drought, fires and deforestation, heat waves, colder winters, and so on, are some of the effects that exemplify the causes of climate change.
Why is it important to celebrate World Environmental Education Day?
The main objective of January 26th is to create a new lifestyle through the dissemination of knowledge, values and practical skills that help us take responsibility for the environment. In short, we could consider World Environmental Education Day a call to action from society.
This intermittent call for citizen participation is sometimes considered insufficient, but… have you ever thought about what would happen if we all contributed to caring for and sustaining the environment?
Small daily actions to improve the world.
We’d like to propose daily tasks that could make the air we breathe cleaner and cleaner.
- The 3Rs rule: did they teach you that at school? Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. It might seem like a taxing and boring task, but with three quick and simple gestures we can make our first small contribution.
- Take your bags and/or cart with you when you go shopping.
- Create three different spaces at home for each type of waste: organic, plastic and paper. Let’s wave goodbye to being too lazy to separate it!
- Make new home storage units out of jars and containers.
- A click: it’s a gesture we’re very used to. But this time, we’re trading in technology for one of the most momentous advances: illumination. Remember to turn off lights and electronic devices when you’re not using them. If we’re using energy-saving light bulbs on top of that – bingo!
- Sport is in, so why not turn healthy habits into good deeds? Dust off that bicycle you got for your communion and use it to get around town.
- Look for climate change conscious brands and products. At Velarte, we’re including improvements in our logistics process and raw material supply to make our own contribution to protecting the environment. Because… “Each stone makes a wall”.
The Velarte team invites you to reflect on the daily actions that you could change, so we can achieve a cleaner and greener planet together. If you’re a person who already contributes your grain of sand to protecting the environment, don’t hesitate to share your most innovative tricks and habits with us and the people around you. Remember, it’s often small actions that can change the world.