The cold weather is no longer sporadic, but more and more constant, as we enter the darkest season of the year. It can seem as if “Mordor” is looming, and our bodies react to it with low moods and low levels of vitamin D. Although the days are shorter, our bodies tend to save calories. We move less and, instead, we hibernate like bears in our caves. And although it seems as if almost everything is more of a pain during the winter, we are happy to watch series from under blankets, in our fleecy pyjamas and live our lives behind closed doors.
However, we do not want all this inactivity, followed by Christmas festivities, to catch up with our bodies in March. So, we are suggesting some seasonal fruits and vegetables that will, in addition to preventing colds, help us to go with the flow of winter, generating the calories and nutrients that our body needs at this particular time of year.
Open up your table to late fruits and vegetables.
Depending on the rain and sun in the area, there are some autumn vegetables, such as cucumbers and courgettes, which we may still be able to enjoy as winter vegetables, weather permitting.
But, just as we change our clothes when the seasons change, we suggest you refresh your vegetable drawer for December. Transform autumnal oranges and browns, such as pumpkin or onion, into darker colours, such as broccoli or red cabbage.
In the middle of the season
At this point, we have such a variety of fruits and vegetables at our fingertips. They provide very few calories, but lots of vitamins and minerals, strengthening our immune system and helping us feel healthy, at the coughs and tissues time of year.
Consider including the following in your vegetable drawer: Artichoke, chard, celery… In terms of fruit for the winter season, we welcome reds and crimsons: apples, pomegranates and grapes. And yellows as well: pineapples, bananas, grapefruit, lemons…
Different parts of the vegetable
Vegetables from cold climates, unlike those from warmer climates, can be eaten in their different parts: for some, it is the leaves, for some the bulbs, or the roots… Curly endives, leeks, spinach, cabbage… They are easily recognised by the strong smell that they produce when boiled. That being said, you can prepare them however you wish: steamed, stewed, breaded, baked, grilled or combined with other foods. They are rich in water, and provide fibre, minerals, vitamins … And they’re great! Luckily, Velarte products are available all year round and make a great addition to any dish.
Here is our suggested menu for December:
Starter: Cream of beetroot, carrot and onion soup.
Main course: Red peppers stuffed with cauliflower and onion, with grated cheese au gratin.
Dessert: Pineapple with pomegranate.
You can add a sprinkle of nuts, along with our Velarte sunflower seed, peanuts, cereals or fibre . An ideal accompaniment for the fruits and vegetables of December. And January, and February, and March… Whatever you are eating, Velarte will always be a great accompaniment! 😉