Halloween is coming and with it another opportunity for a family party at home. There’s a lot to get ready… costumes, decorations and food! Halloween is a big deal and the little ones are always ready to dress up in a good costume and have a great time. From Velarte, we want to give you a hand by suggesting some simple and tasty snack ideas for the party buffet.
To make some fun Halloween dishes the first thing to do is to create the right atmosphere and get in the mood. Put on a good playlist of Halloween nursery rhymes and once you’ve done that… Let’s get cooking!
- Finger snacks: There are thousands of ways to make monster finger snacks, we bring you a quick recipe that never fails to impress. For those who love all that is savoury, we’re with you! For this recipe we need mini savoury rolls, boiled ham or serrano ham, mayonnaise or ketchup and sliced almonds. Take a mini savoury roll and wrap it in a slice of ham so that it is fully covered up. At one end, add a few drops of the sauce you like on it, and place a slice of almond on top of it to simulate a fingernail. Remember we’re creating monster fingers, so the less perfect they are, the better!
- Terrifyingly good skeleton: We will need a large oven tray or dish and different types of Velarte rosquilletas to create a skeleton. You can use our delicious rosquilletas for the bones, mini savoury rolls for the feet and hands, and sunflower seed rosquilletas for the head and hips. We show you the way, but no one knows better than you what’s best for your skeleton. So, choose the rosquilletas you prefer and give it your own personal touch. Afterwards , accompany the skeleton with different sauces, cheeses and some red touches to give it a distinctly Halloween look. It’ll be terrifyingly perfect!
- Sweet ghosts: For this snack you only need to take one of our traditional or regular rosquilletas. To decorate them we’ll need white and dark chocolate. Melt the white and dark chocolate in different containers and spread white chocolate on the rosquilleta. Once the layer of chocolate has solidified, take a toothpick and dip it into the dark chocolate. Now all that’s left is to draw eyes and a mouth on your ghost snack. And that’s it, you’re done! It couldn’t be easier. The process is very simple and the result is super original.
- Monstrous teeth: This is one of those fresh recipes that’s great for kids. All you have to do is get an apple and cut it into segments. Place one on top of the other to form the gums. And hold it together with a toothpick from behind. Fill it with peanut butter and some red jam. To simulate the teeth you can use pine kernels or mini marsh mellows. When no one is watching, dip the Velarte rosquilletas inside the false teeth, which, spread with jam and peanut butter, are absolutely yummy!
And if you’re still in the mood for more recipes, some caramelized apples with a little blue-and-black food dye are sure to do the trick. Social networks are full of super original ideas and delights for different levels of experts. Let your creativity and imagination run riot by using tasty everyday products in a different way. I’m sure you’ll be surprised at how good they look in these dishes. The important thing is to have a good time as a family and enjoy these moments. Oh, and don’t forget to take pictures of your masterpieces and tag us on Social Networks with the hasthtag #HalloweenVelarte!